The most beautiful picture taken on the rubble of a once more destroyed Gaza. This picture of an innocent Palestinian child smiling ever so content irregardless of that which surrounds him; sadly his heritage and history, as well as unfortunate but probable future.
This picture; a slap on the face of the fifty seven so called Muslim countries that fear standing up for him, the innumerable countries of the world that tout humanity, but only dependent on the human they see fit for the apparent now bestowed title. These “humans” that overlook the millions of children that will be born with their death sentences already written and the multitudes that are massacred all in the name of a piece of land that has seen more bloodshed than the conflicts of all the world and its sanguine history combined.
With this message to all, no matter on which side of the conflict you stand; to live with honor, pride, bravery and to die fighting for the same is in itself a fate to relish!